Monday, March 23, 2009

Miraculous Monday

There is HOPE! My tulips finally are popping up. We've decided that because they don't see the sun they have been slower! ITS A MIRACLE!
I am inspired by many of the blogs I follow. I love Heather who is counts her blessing everyday and M who recognizes the miracles in every day so I am going to attempt a Miraculous Monday. We'll see... I love blogging, reading and making new friends and getting inspired to reach a little higher. See the fun in life and also the challenges we all face. I appreciate that my own trials sometimes seem small and insignificant when following others challenges. And I can also appreciate the beauty in life from others talents. I can already tell you I am also HAPPY that I have my honey that surrounds me with love ALWAYS. I've been in a "FUNK" too, as M says on her blog I should call it JET LAG or GRANDBABY BLUES. Yes I need to live closer to them. Yesterday while getting set apart to be the second counselor in Young Women (a change from R.S--my comfort zone) I asked the Branch President to bless me to be more POSITIVE! He blessed me with PATIENCE!!! I can see the miracle that God knows me personally. Thank goodness for the miracle of a new day, a new week. I can try once again to be a more patient (positive) person and recognize the miracles that happen everyday. Thanks to all you bloggers!


Marianne said...

What a great photo of your tulips coming up! We just got about 4 inches of snow today, so I'm jealous! Congrats on your Young Women job! It will definitely teach you patience! I really miss being in Relief Society. I haven't been there for many years. I was in the Primary Presidency before being YW Pres. I actually think I liked being Relief Society Pres. better than my current job, if you can believe it! I love RS! YW is a LOT of work!

Jill Walker said...

You will be great in Y.W.! They will love you!!

You blessing reminded me of when Scott gave me a blessing with the mono. I was anxious to hear him say that I would be blessed with health very quickly and instead he blessed me with patience to see it through. That was not what I wanted to hear, but it didn't surprise me.