Thursday, May 28, 2009


TRYING TO SEE THE BEAUTY IN THE WORLD! So today, gearing up to go walk, I have had a bit of the ??? flu, blues, cold coming on??? My morning routine brings me to check out the morning bloggers and latest updates. Thankful that when I can't see the sunshine, that others just brighten my day! Thankful for a DVR that records my favorite shows and I am able to finish each night and start each day studying the scriptures with the help of KBYU. Love Professor Andrew Skinner, and some Professors that were old seminary teachers, (Sad that I didn't participate like I should have as a seminary student in my younger years!) and Professor Ray Huntington who lived in Orangeville,UT when I did. I just seem to be more attentive when I know the people that are teaching me. I have really been concentrating on the Old Testament. People, especially in this state know it inside, out backwards and forwards. I love knowing that Joseph Smith received revelation to further our understanding of these books. I love knowing that these books are more important today then ever. I love feeling the warning from a loving Heavenly Father. I miss my family, I want to be next to them to protect them and show them love. In turn I hope by this experience of being away has gave me a stronger desire to study and to learn, to remain humble. When we are able to be with our kids again, I can be confident enough to share my knowledge and testimony with them.

1 comment:

Marianne said...

Thank you for that uplift today! I love watching those KBYU scripture study programs too!
Have a beautiful day!