Thursday, February 4, 2010

THANKFUL THURSDAY! Day's that are Productive

Today I've been busy getting ready for Elder Parente to arrive. Yes, two garbage bags full of stuff that accumates from the Elders that they don't want to take with them to the next area. I appreciate this only because of the EFFORT the Sisters made in Louisiana (while we lived there)to GET RID OF YEARS of STUFF left by others. Because of their example, now with every new missionary staying at our house I will get rid of STUFF. So I'm glad it's done. I'm ready for the NEXT ADVENTURE. I love day's like this. When things seem so productive! Didn't think I'd enjoy being HOME-- EVERYDAY, and ENJOY the Warmth and Comfort of my HOME. So today I am thankful that I can stay out of the work force for now. LOVE PEACE AND QUIET! Never have I not functioned through the day with out the TV or RADIO on . I CAN DO IT!!! AHHHhhhhhh a new experience. I feel BLESSED that I can survive the sometimes mundane and other productive day's all alone.


Terrence and Laura said...

I love productive days too. My house has been a disaster lately and I've only been able to do laundry and cook dinner, but I've been able to get in an hour of cardio at the gym every day this week and just knowing that I'm doing something makes me feel amazing! So glad you can be so positive about it. You're such a great example to me:) love you!!!

Sandy, Sisters of Season said...

Hi Sharon, I thinks it so neat how you open your home to these guys. Very giving and loving of you and your family. I'm sure it's an even exchanged. Doing the work of the kingdom is so rewarding. Love it.
Have a relaxing weekend! Hey, I like your new banner and background, very Spring.