Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Thankful Tuesday: For Improvement

We have just started Mr. Clark's 3rd eye treatment. The results of the eye test... HIS EYES ARE IMPROVING. Although each treatment puts his body into trauma--- His sugar stays high (like he has an infection) It's a battle. Yet, we are SO HAPPY. The doctor said in three weeks we can go to a regular optometrist to see if a prescription will help him. We will remain faithful that it will. FOR THIS WE ARE THANKFUL!


Sandy, Sisters of Season said...

Sharon, just keep praising God . . he is always loyal to us . . how wonderful he is! Blessings, Sandy:O)

Lynnelise said...

Praise God!!!
We take our vision for granted until we are faced with the possibility of losing it. So thankful Mr Clark is doing better! I will continue to uphold your family in prayer.