Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Thankful Tuesday: TODAY IS A GIFT!

I received this in the mail TODAY!

Mr. Clark and I got to spend  Valentines 'Day ' together. We both sorta had the day off. Mr. Clark split his day and I ended up having to take the full day off. For none other than a Doctor appointment. It was the day that Fresinius sets  for the 'TEAM' to evaluate his progress. 
 The news we received was bitter/sweet?
 We are getting close to saying 'GOOD BYE' to Fionia the filter. She has tried her best to keep Mr. C. stable. The problem?? She feeds Mr. C pure sugar.
 Because this causes his sugars to be too high, Miss Fionia is not effective. 
He is blowing up like a balloon. His heart, eyes and limbs are at risk.
To understand the procedure. Peritoneal is FLUID filtering. Hemo dialysis is BLOOD filtering. Peritoneal dialysis  is like eating 6 candy bars a night! Giving him extra insulin has not touched it.  It doesn't make sense that this is the solution. Maybe it wasn't meant for a diabetic?
PD (Peritoneal Dialysis)has given Mr. Clark FREEDOM to be at home. (instead of a dialysis center).   FREEDOM to work and travel easier etc.
News today: We are temporarily??? switching to HEMO dialysis. We will be going to a center 3 nights a week. Mr. Clark can still work. He may even feel BETTER.
We are trying to be optimistic that switching to BLOOD now will be healthier for Mr. Clark.
As they were explaining it I was smiling with tears running down my face. A smile? because I felt embarrassed for crying. This terrifies me! Tears and more tears. For many reasons, 2 reasons for sure is: Fear of the unknown,  and because we will temporarily loose Nurse Barb. We couldn't be so courageous with out her!
It's emotional for both of us.
 Mr. Clark is trying to be brave. I asked him to PLEASE, PLEASE consider a live donor so we could get a kidney transplant sooner. He said I can't put anyone I love through it. (he is A+ ,b.t.w!)We've tried over and over to convince him that some one's life could be blessed if he would just reconsider. He won't.
So our next adventure will be what is called NOCTURNAL Dialysis. It is done for 8 hrs. 3 'nights' a week. The hard part will be that it's quite a distance from our house so I well either sleep in the lobby of the center or find a church member to stay with on those day's (if I'm brave)  He will start at 8:00pm and end by 5:00 am.
* NOTE: this will be temporary until he decides if this  type of dialysis is what he wants. We can be trained to do it at home. It is alot more intense. At home it would still consist of 5-7day's a week.
Here is the positive
 1- He won't have the weight gain.
2- He won't be packing around 1300 mls of fluid in his belly.
3- He won't have the x-tra water in his legs so his restless leg will be less painful.
He may feel much, much better.

The negative:
It will be even harder to travel. -- every where we go we have to find a dialysis center.
FYI: Dear family, Our EASTER break IS OFF :( TEARS!

He is getting a catheter put back in his chest on Tuesday.
They are keeping is PD Cathe in so that it is available if he changes his mind??

We are THANKFUL today for *OPTIONS and for the gift of life.
We should never take it for granted.
(Thanks Meg, now you know why when I received it today I CRIED even more than usual! So sweet of you my dear friend ) XO


Sandy, Sisters of Season said...

Hi Sharon, Actually Mr. Clark just might feel better with this type of dialysis. Less weight will be a lot more comfortable for him. Mr. Clark working is really a good distraction for him. Life with an illness is a constant adjustment, but "OUR" God is a "BIG" God and nothing is impossible for him . . definitely will continue to pray for healing for Mr. Clark. I can sympathized with you totally . . . I never met you in person, but I know you are a strong spiritual woman of faith. Sometimes God uses faithful people to demonstrate his works to others. Don't forget this is the harvest time for the world of unbelievers. I've learned a lot from you about gratitude and how you have viewed this journey with your husband. Blessings and hugs, Sandy:O)

Sharon said...

Tears! Thankyou Sandy! Blessings and Hugs RETURNED!

Meg said...

I guess it was a good thing i forgot to send it earlier. You definately needed it today!!! Prayers for both of you!!!

Craig and Jill said...

Sharon, What a inspiration you are to me. Your faith is wonderful. You truly are an example to me. Diabetes is a horrible disease. Our tears and Prayers are with you and Mr. Clark. We wish you the best on this new plan. Life is a gift and so are you.

Britt's Clan said...

Tears!!! I am sad but I hope this will help "Jark" out. I hope he feels better. I wish there was more I could do for you guys. I love you TONS!!! My thoughts are always with you both.

Janet said...

Oh sweet Sharon, hang in there. Sorry it is getting more difficult for you. Hug him, hold him, and treasure every second with him. Let Heavenly Father, friends and others help you, they can and will give you the strength to carry on. Prayers and hugs.