Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thankful Tuesday: A COLD DAY- Good News and Bad News

The Good News and Bad News about a COLD DAY...
The Good: We are out of School!
We are not out for a snow day. Although we have about 4 inches.
It's not an ICE day.
Although the roads are icey.
The reason school is cancelled?
It's been 18 below zero.

The Bad is:
Mr. Clark is sick.
He has a cold/cough.
Went to the Doctor yesterday.
He has a small infection on his lungs.
Hopefully the antibiotic won't affect his kidneys.
Another Bad is:
He is grumpy
Mr. Clark is NEVER grumpy!
He is sick of the recliner.
Where he has lived for the past week.
We are hoping he's grumpy because he's getting better!
More Good News:
I can be home with him today.
So for today
not to be anywhere but HOME! 


Sandy, Sisters of Season said...

That's where you belong with your hubby . . love him like mad and take good care of him. Thanks so much for your kind words on my blog. Appreciate it more than you know. Love, Sandy:O)

Monica Bingham said...

Wow That is COLD! I am glad you got the day off to take care of your hubby. Hope all is well and he gets better soon.