Monday, January 19, 2009

Getting my Motor Moving on Monday!

So today is Catch-Up day - in between blowing my nose off and wiping my running eye! This is the most disgusting cold I've had for a long long time. The TMI details are this. Why is it that the left nostril and the left eyes runs, I'm over it and then the right nostril and the right eye have to take a turn???? And I'm sneezing like I have to start the whole ordeal over again???? Besides the dumb cold I have to fever and have to stay in bed. First time in our lives Clark and I were sick together. Kinda funny, passing the Kleenex box back and forth. That was comforting! Ahhhhh OK ENOUGH SAID, SORRY I am packing for New Orleans, getting my house in order and catching up on my R.S. TODAY! THE REST OF THE WEEK IS VACATION TIME Woo hoo!


Marianne said...

Wow! Thanks so much for telling me about Meridian Magazine! I had never heard of it before. You could spend all day reading it and listening to the music clips and radio programs! I now have it in my Favorites list. Have a fun trip!

Britt's Clan said...

I hope you have a GREAT time in New Orleans. I am glad to hear you are moving and not in bed anymore...