Thursday, January 8, 2009

THRIF-T THURSDAY - Guess what I did today?

So I biffed going to the salvation army (DI) if they had one here. So I had to BAKE BREAD TODAY!
(from previous post) I have also decided to empty a few more plastic bins of STUFF so I now can take an even BIGGER load!
Not that I don't have anything else to do. I also went to the YMCA and worked up a sweat. I mopped my floors, cleaned the bathrooms, polished the appliances(darn that stainless steele) and cleaned the inside of the microwave and 2 loads of laundry, finished the R.S letter's I am getting mailed today. Oh and soon I am going with Mr. Clark to the Dr. (it's all good, just still working on regulating the meds.) AND BLOGGING...
p.s. I made it to Salvation Army on Friday. It wasn't too painful to let go:)
YAY I accomplished my goal for the week

1 comment:

Terrence and Laura said...

That's funny. I really should punish myself too, but today I did take one step in the right direction and got a gym membership. BABY STEPS....