So I missed Thankful Tuesday,
Mr. Clark went in for a ct scan on Monday.
We were surprised to hear them say,
Booooooo and back to I.C.U
After our whirlwind day,
We both were feeling some intense pressure.
I want to remember what we went through. Because although things SEEMED UNIMAGINABLE, it takes time to get answers and Its a reminder NOT to PANIC.
We knew the results could take us in a new direction.
I can't describe the feeling of trying to think positively with out reacting to "what might be" and the feeling of just keeping the faith that it will all be ok"
about a thousand times over in our brain in over a 30 second period and then starting all over again.
I think your brain goes into OVERLOAD! Trying to sort through the highs and lows of life at the moment.
The doctor came and talked to us and things seem grim. You know they take you to the worse possible scenario, I guess.
Possible leak in the newly spliced colon.
The colon all massed and scar tissue making it all grow together while healing so that it isn't working? Inflamation and streaks.
So he went for testing.
Nothing that can't be fixed, We knew.
But a sure end to any possibility of staying on the peritoneal dialysis.
Oh yes, we knew what we were headed for.
As Mr Clark is reassuring to "BE STRONG"
We were both nervous.
When all is said and done.
They think all is well.
Pneumonia still an issue but not life threatening.
More Antibiotics.
And we are HOME.
We know our problems are minimal.
On a positive note * His port cath for HEMO (blood) dialysis is OUT. YA HOooooooooo
Fionia the Filter welcomed us home!
We are SAFE with Peritoneal (Fluid) dialysis