Sunday, August 26, 2012

Life must be celebrated...

Sheesh, It's been 2 weeks of heartache. I didn't feel I could focus on anything. The good news is we are fine. The bad news is there are families close to us who have experience heartache.
A lot has happened. Couldn't post it. It would seem impossible to see such sadness in the lives of dear, dear friends. We will celebrate LIFE.
With that-- I will say, HOLD ON TO THOSE CLOSE TO YOU. Those of you who have experienced loss know what I'm talking about.
View Here: A new song by David Archeleta- "Every Body Hurts" 
These experiences have put life to the test. They make our struggles see so minimal.

Heaven is celebrating Telaai (10 days old) and Liesa (classmate) along with family member that have lost relatives and friends.

Hugs to all those we hold dear. Life is precious. XO

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