Monday, August 4, 2008

Someone made a difference to me!

Heather has inspired me with her 365 days of Grattitude. Her entries remind me to look for the good in every day.
Yes, I'm having another gratitude day! It seems to remind me that life is good and I am blessed! We had a little get together on Friday night. We call it "whatever night" some of our church friends come over and work on projects, scrapbooking, blogging... just whatever. Often we visit and it is just refreshing to laugh and cry and recognize that there are angels among us. This paticular night we visited with a lady that has become such an inspiration to me. Her challenges are above and beyond what I could bear yet she so rely's on her enduring faith. I can't get her out of my mind. I hope I can always be reminded of her example and courage through out my life. I can't go into much detail because much of it is private. Only to say she is waiting the treatment of a son with a brain tumor and has lost one son just five years ago while he was serving a mission. She is so close to Christ. And she 'Daily' looks for someone to serve. She is amazing. I'm blessed to know her. She has made a difference in my life.

1 comment:

Terrence and Laura said...

Wow...that does put life into perspective...just when I thought I was having a hard week. People like that I think are angels sent here to humble us, and they will get blessings poured out on them in the end.