Friday, October 16, 2009

Lunch with my High School Friends

FINALLY---we were able to get together! These friends were my special friends in High School and we have met up on face book and it has been like the span of years has not existed. SO FUN!
This is Jill, she will kill me for posting this pic. with her bifocals on!! I thought she looked adorable! Jill is an awesome person with a spirit to match. She and I had a few tears looking at our days after high school. As remembering back on the good ol' 'High School Day's' I remember Jill as being a true friend to everyone. Strong in her principles that everyone admired. Still a listening, kind, special, special, person. Oh my, oh my I remember always having a good laugh to tears with Jill. We have always had a special bond. Something like sisters in heaven!
This is Janice. We were elementary "bestest friends" she reminded me what a rebel I was in those days. Winding up in the stage curtains and having to go to the principals office. That was hilarious! and a few other unmentionables! Janice got in touch with me around the time my parents passed away and we have stayed in touch ever since.
This is Nancy. She was my best friend all through High School. We were inseparable. We have a very special friendship. We double dated so much. Her boyfriend and my boyfriend are now our husbands (they were both from PG) Nancy is my strength and dearest friend, beside me no matter what.
This is Leslie, she was a class mate that was always kind. I never remember a time when I couldn't count on her. Through life's path it ended up that she became the mom to one of the babies my mother helped place in the adoption process. If the story be told, it is a miracle! Leslie is now my face book buddy!! *Words can't describe the closeness we felt as friends. Reflecting back on the good ol' day's and also the experiences that have brought us through the last 30 years. Except for the realization that ALL of our class has had some really hard experiences. It makes me feel BLESSED to have known these special friends. For this I am FORTUNATE to have had all these people in my life.

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