I think JoB should be Mr. Clark's new name! He has the attitude of Job anyway. He just takes what comes with great faith. Thank goodness that from Jobs experience we understand it could be much, much worse.
The day at the PuLmOnArY SpEcIaLiSt went well. A little more explanation on what he's experiencing and a shout out to "Just keep being patient". The greatest challenge is that his health is so compromised with his kidney issues. We are hopeful and we should know after this week.
Yes, We are giving it JuSt 1 mOrE WeEk...
Then if things haven't drastically improved we "GeT" (not sure that's a good thing) to go in for another TeSt... They are thinking the cough is just imflamatory effects from the pneumonia. If not... They will test for others things lung related. Not really worried though. The Doctor said she is pretty sure the test will show nothing significant. Yes, Knock on wood ...
On top of the fun we've had the last 2 1/2 months- he now has a dReAdEd InFeCtIon in his stomach at his dialysis site.
We both had just a bit of a melt down moment.
and possibly the INFLUENZA??? and sugar HIGH's...
my heart is going to tear apart and Mr. C (I mean Mr.J) is wearing down :(
Just thinking how much better it felt to only have the lasting effects the ChRoNiC CoUgh/SlEePLeSs NiGhTs due to the pneumonia.
Can we just go back to thinking those were our only troubles?????
We ArE SmIlLiNg tHoUgH BeCaUsE:
1- He has conquered THRUSH from the 3 rounds of antibiotics. knock on wood again!
2- His eyesight is ImPrOvInG.
3- After 2 I.V iron shots in 3 days, and up-ing his epo (the $$expensive shot) to twice a week. He feels like RuNniNg up the basement stairs instead of pulling himself up with the stair rail and me behind him threatening to GOOSE him. ; ) ok spoke too soon-that was short lived. He needs a shot everyday. :(
4- He (had) a little more StReNgTh. It lasted two days. A little taste of getting back to health. Even his grip has been a struggle. He has not even been able to open a bottle of water. Now if I can just get him to the YMCA to build some muscles back. Nurse Barb gave him a pep talk today when I suggested physical therapy. Oh I love having a team of support!
5- His appetite is coming back. I never thought we'd have such a hard time over dosing on MEAT. What, Another plus? I no longer have to worry about me being 'F'atter(oopsie I dropped the f-bomb) than he is. He is gaining again! No laughing matter... That one terrified me. Not enough to cut out the ice cream though.
6-He's been able to work 2 part days in a row, now were are back to no days :(
We can still have hope and faith and prayers that things are on the mend!
For this we are THANKFUL!
2 months ago
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