Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Thankful Season Day # 1

We didn't realize how burdened we were feeling about our yard getting winterized until things were taking care of.
Our first reaction after the sprinkling system was winterized---  SIGH... "Oh Wow, do your shoulders feel lighter?" - "Yes, indeed"

              With Mr. Clark still experiencing no strength. Our "Miracle Man" (co-worker)  hooked up an air compressor for us. I towed it home, and Mr. Clark directed me on how to get the sprinkling system lines free of water. I have to say, I have a little more confidence in things I knew nothing about. It is taken care of. So for this WE ARE THANKFUL! 

1 comment:

Sandy, Sisters of Season said...

Sweet Sharon . . you are amazing! God will continue to bless you in everything you are doing now . . that is called true servanthood. God Bless You kiddo, Sandy:O)