Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Looking forward to a NEW YEAR!

I love the idea of starting FRESH! I just get an adrenaline rush just thinking about new projects for the year, and setting new goals for things I want to accomplish this year!
And since I now have a cri-cut cutter (thanks to my thoughtful Husband, I didn't even know I wanted one!) I am going to go crazy scrap booking but probably do more vinyl lettering to decorate my house!
Oh and I love the idea that maybe I'll get bold and finally paint my bathroom. And decorate yes I love to decorate!! My focus is my bathroom because the other two bathrooms in the house are decorated so cute and I just can't get a vision of what I want for my own.
And I have a new CAMERA, woo hee, I am going to have fun! I'm going to go blog crazy...
I can't wait to focus on more food storage and preparedness this year... I've already brought home a truck load of WESTERN FAMILY cases. Just cuz I like W.F. So my shelves are getting full again! And my freezer is about full and I feel BLESSED!
I love that I have a zillion ideas for Christmas next year because by next Christmas I can never think of anything fun. So I'm making my list!
I only love cleaning out and organizing in January so I have to take advantage of the urge!
I can't wait to see if the tulip bulbs I planted will come up.
I love when the day's start even an incling of being longer because I know winter will end and I LOVE SPRING!
Life is so good and I can't wait to see what the New Year Brings.
p.s. we already have plans to come to Utah -- March 16th.... can't wait! see you then!

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