Friday, May 29, 2009


Tyrel at Ground Zero
A landmark in New York
Statue of Liberty and Tyrel with Mayor Gulioni s/p? Can't forget the special meeting with Tom Brokaw at the CBS STATION in NEW YORK!! That 's a pretty unique meeting too. Or the special attempt Tyrel made to meet 'REGIS' ( my only request while he was in NY!)
We wish Tyrel the BIGGEST BIRTHDAY EVER! Right now he is celebrating his 4th year Anniversary and 27th B-day on a cruise to Canada.
So here is an attempt to tell you all about Tyrel. Hmmm... maybe to explain the fun he is I can tell you in three words (oops, many words!)EARL, THE SIMPSON'S and JIM CAREY, JEFF FOXWORTHY
When he was 4-5-and 6, 7-8- and 9 it was JOHN WAYNE. He could mimic John's voice. He used to say to me, "HEY LITTLE LADY, I'LL TAKE YOUR W-A-G-O-N" And it never stopped. For me as a MOM he has always been one who can make you smile and laugh with his sense of humor. He has adopted many MOM'S and treats the women in his life like they are the most important people. With his ability to be such a loving kid, it seems he is just a BIG TEDDY BEAR! I love that both of my boys let me just kiss their cheeks off!!!
Tyrel has had an adventures life. GOOD FRIENDS and is an EXTREMELY HARD WORKER! We had a lot of fun times. His friends all made a rock band, it was alot of fun hearing Tyrel harmonize and head bang! He played football both in Jr. High and High, Playing on the Varsity team ( a lot of good family bonding!). Including the head shaving on the last game as a senior. He was the Drum Major in the Band and entertained the band while on the football field by shaking his boote'. He has survived a few miraculous moments. For that reason and more Tyrel is a special kid.
He served in the NEW YORK, NEW YORK, NORTH MISSION. As you can see from these few (sideways pictures) He had the best mission ever.
He is a great teacher/leader. And is Faithful in his beliefs.
He is also known as the CHICKEN MAN working at KFC since he was 16. We'll never forget, "HOMIE ON A PLATE"!!!!! Family Secret! He has received many awards including Top Ten store in the country TWICE. All due to his extreme dedication and hard work.
He met the girl of his dreams, and Danielle has just become a perfect member of our family. They were married in 2005. Tyrel is a great supporter and a loving husband.
We are so proud of Tyrel, for the man he has become. For the support his gives to Clark's Dad and the close relationship we have with him.

1 comment:

Mari said...

Happy Birthday Tyrel! He's got to be one of the coolest guys ever. I'm glad he's my cousin. What a great tribute to him Sharon :)