Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Another Fishing Day at MARION COUNTY LAKE

Uh, I don't think there is any fish in the trees! And he refused to loose his special hook!
Yes, it is old news that I, ME, SHARON actually out fished Mr. Clark. What fun it was!! But sadly Clark was just having a off day!! He cast his line into the trees, and about lost his shorts. I got laughing so hard and Luckily for him I didn't get a picture!! Great Day, Beautiful lake. And we are starting the fishing season out great by trying different lakes. That's a miracle in it self. Clark LOVES to just fish in the same spot at the same lake. So it's been an adventure. This is our 3rd Lake and I will post pics of the fourth Lake will be going to when Terrence and Laura and the girls come.


triertribe said...

I like Clark's shorts.

Mari said...

The lake looks so nice! I bet Clark loves the picture of his backside :)
How fun to try out a bunch of different lakes.

Monica Bingham said...

That looks like so much fun! I have always wanted to try fishing from a boat...I just worry about tipping over or....loosing my shorts ;). And about out-fishing Clark, YOU GO GIRL!