Wednesday, June 17, 2009


After I washed the mud off of it...
ahhhh ---I didn't get a picture of my wallet covered in mud after being returned after 7 days. The Miracle is that A KIND LADY WALKING HER DOG found my wallet in a DITCH and returned it. All of my credit cards in place although the CASH (more than I ever carry) was GONE:( NEEDLESS TO SAY: I WILL NEVER LEAVE MY PURSE IN MY CAR AGAIN. Another lesson learned- Always pray no matter how hopeless it may seem. My prayers were answered and I recognize the miracles in everyday!
**note: drivers license returned just in time to use it to board our plane to Utah!


Kerrie said...

My brother had his scriptures stolen in the church parking lot once. I don't know why he left them in the car, but I guess someone thought the case looked like a purse. About a year later, one of his friends either found the Bible or the Book of Mormon with his name on it in the bowling alley down our street! We thought that was crazy!

What were you going to do for ID for the plane? Good thing you found it in time!

Monica Bingham said...

That is so cool! I love it when people are honest. It gives a person a little bit of faith in the goodness of people again.