Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thankful Tuesday: Cinnamon/Sugar Play Pie

Cinnamon Sugar Play Pie:
Left over trimmings from pie making that was left for children to play with...
The best memory?
Standing on a chair next to Mom 'helping'.
Just roll it out to what ever shape.
Heap sugar, sprinkle cinnamon and then spread pats of butter all over it.
Stand at the oven.
Peer open the door to see it bubbling and brown
Share the anticipation of the first bite.
 The  play pie melting and some times burning in your mouth when rushing to eat it.
   I think my Mom had to have made a zillion pies.
My favorite:
Her Lemon Meringue Pie
She piled the Meringue ever so high and I LOVED  consuming every ounce of Meringue and leaving the Lemon for someone else!
She often made Meat Turnovers.
So she constantly had left over pie trimmings. I don't ever remember a time we didn't have Cinnamon/Sugar Play Pie from left over pie crust.
yet a warm, comforting memory.
I continue to make Cinnamon/Sugar 'Play Pie'
I'm  sure my kids will continue the same tradition.
Making Pies just isn't the same with out
Cinnamon/Sugar 'Play Pie'
For this memory and tradition passed down generation to generation.

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