Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Thankful Tuesday: Introducing BIG RED!

Oh My Broken Back! Yes I moved all of "Fionia's" boxes to the garage to prepare for "BIG RED'S" supplies
We are officially moving 'Fionia the Filter out! This high maintenance machine will be gone along with all these supplies after April 18th .
BIG RED is the machine - The ugly chair comes with it! We couldn't pic it's color!

This is the most part of BIG REDS SUPPLIES
definitely not as many as Fionia the Filter

We are advancing to nx stage which is hemo dialysis at home.

'BIG RED'  has moved in and will be up and running by Thursday maybe Friday.

We have gotten our wings and have graduated from our training.

We will be Glad to be HOME!
For this we are THANKFUL!!!

1 comment:

Janet's Journey said...

You are such a trooper! I admire you and am glad things are a little easier today! And, you go girl on moving all those boxes...how about opening a moving company---kidding!