1 week ago
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
My Favorite Season
Did Jesus really live again? Yes when the third day came. He wakened and he left the tomb: He called Mary's Name. Did Jesus come to those he loved? Yes people touched his feet. And of the fish and honey comb. He did truly eat. And there were nail-prints in his hands. And a spear wound in his side. Did Jesus really live again. After he had died? OH YES, AND SO SHALL I!
Words from Mabel Jones Gabbott- Luke 24:36-43 and 3 Nephi 11:10-14

Thankful Thursday: Support of co-workers
We have recieved so much support from everyone.
Today I am THANKFUL for the support Mr. Clark is getting from his CO-WORKERS.
Not a day has gone by when someone has not called etc.
Every one is so willing to help him in whatever way they can.
Today one of his co-workers (Larry) offered to drive him around.
This is what another co-worker - Eddie said after being with him today.
"Hey, My eyes and your 'know how' skills.
We make a good team."
How kind is that!
He went to the Refinery for the first time in 2 weeks for a few hours.
He said to me this morning. THIS MEANS SO MUCH TO ME.
I am THANKFUL because I know he is in good hands and he needs to feel he is not failing his team.
It is going to do his heart and soul a lot of good.
For this I am THANKFUL
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
For Lei
This is Elder Parente learning to make homemade pancake syrup!
1 Cup Brown Sugar, 1 Cup White Sugar and 1 Cup Water. 1 tsp Mapleine Flavoring
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Thankful Tuesday: Back in Time on A Beautiful SPRING day!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Fianlly the results are in...
Shew -- a few melt down day's. We have made a lot of decisions about the 'WHAT IF'S"
We have cried a lot too.
We put our trust in the Lord. With faith that what ever our new journey holds for us.
We would be ready to move ahead.
I could tell you the funny things that Mr. Clark experienced due to his eye sight!
One day we were walking down the hall and Mr. Clark stopped abruptly and gasped. I said,
"what is wrong" He said, " The person walking towards us doesn't have a head"
The best one of all though was he thought he could see a spider. And he said, "can't you see it? It's blue, It's right--" I said," if you can see it grab it and kill it!" And he swooped up his hand a grabbed the imaginary spider and smashed it. And we laughed to tears!
Getting home even was a circus... after I lost the car in the parking garage at the hospital. Yes, I have a very Patient Honey! We arrived home, Ah the comfort of a real bed. and peaceful surroundings!
Then the responsibility to make sure Mr. Clark gets all 12 meds at the right time everyday was another challenge. We are talking about a women who looses her car in the parking lot. How the heck am I going to be a Nurse!~j/k
Two years ago I was trained to do in home I.V's and wound care so I know I am capable.
Oh and by the way... We have now graduated from a 14 day pill container to a Breakfast, lunch, Dinner and Bedtime container.
We are also accustom to being in the "GERIATRICS" zone. LOL!
Finally the results are in. We now know what's up with Mr. Clark's eyes. Macular Edema which rarely happens to both eyes at once.
His Kidney's are going to get a work over too. At 20 percent function now, we are optimistic that we can get them to improve also. Getting everything to work for Mr. Clark is going to take some serious work.
We feel so fortunate to have Good Doctors on our team.
and a Loving Heavenly Father
that Hears and Answers
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Our "Temporary Home"
This has been our "TEMPORARY HOME" this past week!
If you are wondering why I am posting this one... It is HISTORIC! We were in the old part of the hospital. They put these potty's in when they first put them in TRAINS... Guess they figured they were a inventive miracle way back then? It has a curtain for privacy. Pretty crazy hu!

Then they moved us to the 10th floor where the rooms were called "the penthouse suite". Well ya after our "historic" experience! LOL And our room had a real private bathroom. Woo hoo! This is the window in our room over looking Wichita. It is the width of the room. Although it is not green yet. It was a beautiful view that Mr. Clark could not see :(
This is just a pic. of Mr. Clark getting a Ultra Sound. The results came in. He has a baby watermelon in his tummy! j/k It was actually a heart ultra sound.

We've spent 5 days in Wesley Medical Center in Wichita, Ks. Yet again the second trip to the hospital this year. Mr. Clark woke up Saturday with a SUDDEN LOSS OF VISION. It is pretty scary. They have treated him for a mini stroke, but thankfully it was not. A stressful ordeal. More to come. We have seen the eye doctor today (thurs)and now he is being referred to a Retinal Specialist on Friday. A hard road a head. We are keeping our chins up.
Friday, March 12, 2010

This was last year in our town. Yesterday as the SIRENS BLARED and I panicked...My adrenaline running. It is yet again another TORNADO SEASON. I hollered at the missionaries. "Get down the basement" They both said, "Hu, What" They both thought I was being paranoid... Which I was because apparently it was a 'TEST" Tests are always on Monday at noon. This drives me CRAZY! Don't cry WOLF and then when it is serious I'm complacent. And the next time the SIRENS BLARE I will get blown away... ssspppppfffffffffff
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Thankful Thursday: We are not left alone...

It's been a hard day today. For My Family and For My Friends. So I will keep this post simple.
It is comforting to know through our sorrows and afflictions, trials and grief, We are not left alone. We can have the peace and comfort the Savior offers us.
For this I am THANKFUL
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Update on Our Son Terrence:
I was working on a update when I got news that because Terrence is suffering more pain and is having more issues with complete numbness in his arm. He is on is way to the Doctor in Salt Lake City. More info tonight.
I can tell you that his last appointment was pretty devastating when the Dr. tried to explain what he found when he performed surgery on his arm. He said, "the best way to describe it is taking sliced cheese and melting it altogether. The idea of the surgery was to separate the nerves to give him some pain relief. You can't separate melted cheese. It is disheartening to learn the details. Please keep him in your prayers.
--Still no answers. Time is not making things better. The pursuit is now on. We MUST find a doctor that can make a difference. I know they are out there. I know that in a world of advanced technology, someone can help... When a doctor shrugs his shoulders it is time to find some one that knows how they can help. SO FRUSTRATING
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Thankful Tuesday: Big Bertha didn't let me down...
My car--Big Bertha wasn't feeling well when I took my friend to the doctor in Wichita today. Big Bertha has been sick again. Occasionally ( when in the most inconvenient times) spits and sputters and dies. Yes this morning she died and I was patient and prayed over her and God saw fit to answer my small prayer. So for this I am THANKFUL!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
This is Elder Itzep from Quatemala. He stayed in our home on a split 03/15/2010 and has served his full two years and is going home on Saturday.
He was the Zone leader in our area. He wrote me a cute letter and folded it so cool!
Elder Stafford from Seattle Washington, Stayed at our home on March 5, 2010
This is Elder Hansen he is from Gunnison, Utah Staying with us on an exchange. 02-16-10
This is Elder Parente. He just arrived on Feb. 4th 2010. He will be staying in our home for a few months. Elder Parente is from Houston, Texas and is Elder Holley's new companion.
Missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (aka as "Mormons") The boys Fund and give two years of there time to the service of the Lord.
This is Elder Dean, from California. Also staying at our home on a missionary split.
This is Elder Diaz De Leon, Originally from Mexico, but now lives in Orem, Utah. Staying in our home on a missionary split.
Elder Holley, just arrived. He is from Lindon, Utah He will be staying in our home for the next little while.
This is Elder Vivas, from Nevada -- staying in our home on a split!
These are the Sisters that stayed in our home (before the Elders came) WHAT A PARTY!
This is Elder Hanson. Stayed at our home on a missionary split. If you know Elder(Jaden) Bagely from Huntington. This was one of his companions!
This is Elder and Sister Albaugh (from Lindon, Utah) They also stayed with us for 21+ months. And Elder and Sister Linde (from Salt Lake City, Utah. The Albaughs are training them to replace them in the mission office. They were our dinner guests while traveling to Zone Conference!
These are OUR BOYS! The missionaries that live with us. We also had sister Reynolds(pictured with the boys in the MTC) in our home for dinner along with her companion.

Elder Barth, from Cali is the black headed and Elder Phelps from Az is the Blonde!! They are SO FUN! Pictured in the group is the group of missionaries that came to Kansas from the mission home! The Pic of the baptismal font is from our little branch, it is a LITTLE font just 30 inches wide! **Notice Elder Barth and Elder Phelps were in the M.T.C. together, now companions!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
The Tender Mercies of the Lord
Please view this you/tube - click here * The Tender Mercies of the Lord Psalms 145:9
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Thankful Tuesday: A Simple Smile!
Because my days are often spent alone, I appreciate even more the little way's people make me smile. Everyday someone touches my life and I can usually find something or someone that make me bust out in a huge smile! From Blogging to Face book to being around my friends. It is like sunshine everyday!
Today it had to have been the smile of a 2 year old. I can't count how many times little S made me smile today.
The little things from her little wave when she saw me, enjoying her lunch so much she didn't want to leave, to being particular about parking her little cart perfectly in the store.
Laying her head down and letting me kiss her to pieces!
Ahhh She was the sunshine in my day today!
Thank goodness for little ones, although it makes me realize how I miss my grandchildren even more :(
Yes I would love them close by every day. I have to rely on messages, phone calls etc.
That last one from little Maddie Cake that said, "GRAMMIE CAN YOU COME OVER RIGHT NOW" How sweet they are!
I love them so much, so glad that they make a difference in our lives.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Survived yet another February. A HARD MONTH FOR ME!
Baking again in the Wee-ee hours of the morning!
I didn't get pictures--- ahhhh
Mr. Clark advised me that he needed breakfast for his 25 co-workers. So at 2:30 am I was making Cinnamon Rolls, Sausage and Potatoe Casserole and Ham and Egg Brunch...
Showered, Delivered and Blogging by 7:30 am waiting for 8:00 to arrive to go hit the Gym. Then I'll be back home to SLEEP the rest of the DAY! A little "BAKED" out!!! Saturday I spent the day getting ready for our (with friends) casserole exchange. I owed everyone for November so I made 4 Taco Pies and 4 meatloaves. My kitchen is a wreck! So when I wake up I'll be doing dishes! THATS MY DAY! HAPPY MONDAY!
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