Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Our "Temporary Home"

This has been our "TEMPORARY HOME" this past week! If you are wondering why I am posting this one... It is HISTORIC! We were in the old part of the hospital. They put these potty's in when they first put them in TRAINS... Guess they figured they were a inventive miracle way back then? It has a curtain for privacy. Pretty crazy hu!
Then they moved us to the 10th floor where the rooms were called "the penthouse suite". Well ya after our "historic" experience! LOL And our room had a real private bathroom. Woo hoo! This is the window in our room over looking Wichita. It is the width of the room. Although it is not green yet. It was a beautiful view that Mr. Clark could not see :(
This is just a pic. of Mr. Clark getting a Ultra Sound. The results came in. He has a baby watermelon in his tummy! j/k It was actually a heart ultra sound.
We've spent 5 days in Wesley Medical Center in Wichita, Ks. Yet again the second trip to the hospital this year. Mr. Clark woke up Saturday with a SUDDEN LOSS OF VISION. It is pretty scary. They have treated him for a mini stroke, but thankfully it was not. A stressful ordeal. More to come. We have seen the eye doctor today (thurs)and now he is being referred to a Retinal Specialist on Friday. A hard road a head. We are keeping our chins up.


Hawaii Heather said...

We will keep you in our prayers! Everything will work itself out.

The Sanderson Fam said...

That's terrible! Prayers from Utah too!

Terrence and Laura said...

I have wanted to pack up the van and leave all week. I'm not sure I can stand staying here. I want to be there with you both. Love you so so much!

Sandy, Sisters of Season said...

Hi Sharon,

I'm so sorry to hear the bad news . . I'll definitely pray for your husband and family. I hope you are holding up well, or as good as you possibly can. Wait on the Lord, he'll never mislead you guys . . Proverbs 3:5. God Bless!