Saturday, April 23, 2011

♬♪ This Is the Christ ♫♭

You can read the account  *HEREThey heard his voice, a voice so mild.
 It pierced them through and made their soul to quake.
 They saw him come, a man in white,
The Savior, who had suffered for their sake.
They felt the wounds in hands and side, And each could testify:
This is the Christ.
This is the Christ, the holy Son of God,
Our Savior, Lord, Redeemer of mankind.
This is the Christ, The Healer of our souls.
Who ransoned us with love divine.
I read His words, the words He prayed
While bearing sorrow in Gethsemane.
I feel His love, the price he paid.
How many drops of blood were spilled for me?
With Saints of old in joyful cry
I too can testify:

This is a beautiful depiction of after Christ was Resurrected. Not only did he appear to the Apostles and the people in his land,  He appeared to  the people upon the American Continent. The multitude felt the wounds in his hands and feet. He blessed the little children. A beautiful account. The record is in the Book of Mormon in 3rd Nephi chapter 11-18. Another witness of Jesus Christ. The song was written by one of the Apostles in our day. James E. Faust and sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir  P.S.  I am giving a talk in church on Easter Morning. You can read what I referred to HERE

1 comment:

Sandy, Sisters of Season said...

Hi Sharon, Happy Easter my sister in Christ, speaking at church today . . how blessed you are. Sandy:O)