Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thankful Thursday! --My "to do list"

So today I am Thankful for this thought, it should be my "to do list" ON THIS DAY MEND a quarrel. SEARCH out a forgotten friend. DISMISS suspicion, and replace it with TRUST. WRITE a love letter. SHARE some treasure. GIVE a soft answer. ENCOURAGE youth. MANIFEST your loyalty in a word or deed. KEEP a promise. FIND the time. FORGO a grudge. FORGIVE an enemy. LISTEN. APOLOGIZE if you were wrong. TRY to understand. FLOUT envy. EXAMINE your demands on others. THINK first of someone else. APPRECIATE, be KIND, be GENTLE. LAUGH a little more. DESERVE confidence. TAKE up arms against malice. DECRY complacency. EXPRESS Gratitude. WORSHIP YOUR GOD. GLADDEN the heart of a child. TAKE pleasure in the beauty of the earth. SPEAK your LOVE. SPEAK it again. SPEAK it still again. SPEAK it still once again. --Author Unknown

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