Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Woah it's Wednesday! RUN, Ruuuuunnnnn!

Don't STOP for even a breath because there is just too much to do. Some day's it just feels like I'm RUNNING, RUNNING, RUNNING... Not a minute in between. These kind of day's remind me of back in the time when the kids were all home. I especially miss having my kids around. They could either RUN for me or RUN with me or be the reason I'm RUNNING.......Definitely a time in my life I MISS! It would be so awesome to RUN to a football game, or RUN to ballet lessons? Now I would just love to RUN over to see them. RUN for them, or RUN with them, or RUN after them!!! A good reason to be RUNNING! MISS YOU KIDS AND LOVE YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!


Britt's Clan said...

That brought tears to my eyes!! I need to realize my kids are only little for a short time and I wish I could enjoy them more. But with work and just life it is so hard!! Thanks for the reminder your awesome.

Terrence and Laura said...

I liked the run for them one. My kids sure are draining. I miss having you here as my relief. And I want to run for fun right along with you. Someday....hopefully sooner than later! Love you bunches!

Sharon said...

THANKS GUYS...See, I do have an awesome family, love you Britt, love you Laura