Saturday, January 7, 2012

Update: It's all about Our QUALITY of LIFE

Dallas, Texas
Here is the latest update:
      Our trip to Baylor University Medical in Dallas Texas  for an evaluation was a little disheartening.  We obtained loads and loads of information about the good and *bad of a pancreas/kidney transplant.
      THE BAD NEWS:  We do not qualify for a pancreas at Baylor.
For a pancreas:
1- You must be under the age of 50 --- (ahhh.... too bad we can't turn back the age clock).
The reason? It's all about how an older body (and a body already very sick) can handle the surgery.   A pancreas is very fragile to transport and implant. The risks of the surgery ( for a person over 50) outweigh the benefit.
2- You MUST be under *weight because the anti-rejection meds add weight of 50 to 100 lbs.
(we already new this, but the criteria for pancreas- weight etc. is even more strict than a kidney)
      We still qualify for a Kidney at Baylor -- (if he stays in the weight range) This also includes being listed at Baylor in Dallas and Baylor in Fort Worth with is 2 different donor pools. So we have the possibility of listing in 3 places.
     The GOOD NEWS:  We are listed at Kansas University Med for a Kidney and we have started the monthly blood work that is required to stay listed. 
      So we are changing up our attitude about a pancreas. In a perfect situation, our dream would be not to have diabetes anymore. BUT... We can gear up for a kidney only and improve Mr. Clark's QUALITY of LIFE!
       For this we are THANKFUL
For  the miracle that our Son, Tyrel and his wife could be with us during this emotional roller coaster. Thank you to the *Fox family for their Christmas Surprise!  MAKES US EVEN MORE THANKFUL!

Our way of Travel!
(we thought it was a little funny that he rode in the back and I rode in the front~ typical 'old' people!)
 Dallas Cowboy Dome in the Background!
We had a 'designated driver', Our son Tyrel!

Our Blessing of the trip!
Tyrel and Danielle
Standing in front of the Rangers Stadium.

At the Oklahoma Memorial.



So glad you could get on another list, and that Tyrell could make the trip out to see you guys. I know there are many who keep you in their thoughts and prayers each day. You're attitudes of going forward with optimism is inspiring!

Sharon said...

Thankyou Pabst family. XO

Janet said...

I have been waiting for an update. Glad your travel was safe. Hang in there and your right about quality of life. Bless your hearts for having to deal with all of this!

Sandy, Sisters of Season said...

Hang in there Sharon . . . something good is coming. You all look great in the pics. Looks like you guys had a good time in spite of everything that is happening. Stay faithful and know God sees and hears everything. Trust him:O)