Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thankful Thursday: For Generators

Yep, its a normal thing in Kansas to hear the roar of Generators sometime in the year. We had a mild winter. Spring has been pretty good. Until this week. Thirty Seven Tornado's spotted in Kansas on Monday. Not to mention the horrific tornado that took lives and devastated a few communities in Oklahoma (just 3 hours from us). Well last night, was just severe thunderstorms. After hearing the news--a few torando's touched down around us. Ahhhh --and what they call a straight line gust of wind hit the turnpike near our home. Blowing over 3 semi's into 10 power lines. We watched from our back door, emergency vehicles rushing to the scene. It was inevitable we would have NO POWER for some time. Not to worry. Mr. Clark hooked the generator up to our power box and WAMMO, we had power. Its just a must to have a generator. Otherwise our basement would be flooded right now. So THANKFUL


Sandy, Sisters of Season said...

Hi Sharon, I have one word for you . . PRAYER, lots of it! Be safe and try to have a nice weekend with your family. Sandy :O)

Marianne said...

Hi, there! I'm finally getting back into the blogging mode. I'm glad you folks are safe and sound there. I can't even imagine living in tornado territory. What a smart idea to have a generator! I hope you have a nice weekend- hopefully you have good weather now. We are finally getting warmed up and dried out here!

Lynnelise said...

So thankful you and your family were kept safe! Praise the Lord!