Monday, January 26, 2009

Re-Post- "Mrs. Christmas"

This was MRS. CHRISTMAS! It is Clark's Mother. Our children's --one of a kind Grandma.

She was Mrs Christmas for many reasons.

1- She loved Christmas

2- She started shopping and finished shopping early and had most everything wrapped by AUGUST! (that's why when she passed away, her Christmas gifts were complete.)

3- She always gave the 'Perfect' gifts. And it was a goal of hers to give the grandchildren things that they would absolutely love and totally drive their parents crazy! One year in was the HeMan Sword that lit up and made the most annoying loud sound. She would giggle when we cussed her!

4- She was a PEACE-MAKER.

5- She could handle Santa's list of naughty or nice! (she could solve the worlds problems)

6-She was a one of a kind CARE-TAKER not only for Santa's Elves but her own Mother who suffered from Alzheimer's

7-She was a Mrs. Christmas because of the LOVE she showed to everyone

8- She was a Mrs. Christmas because she loved to SERVE others

9- She was every one's BEST FRIEND. Looking for the good in others. I remember one special quality she had was to find something nice to say about anyone that treated her ill. Also to Forgive and Forget.

10- She was an amazing LISTENER.

11- She had an incredible amount PATIENCE

12- She loved to LAUGH.

13-She was a LEADER

14- She lived to make people HAPPY

15- She WORKED incredibly HARD

16- She made sure SANTA was always in line!

It only makes sense that she went to Heaven at 56. Only the good die young. She died on FRIDAY, December the 13th from a blood clot after knee surgery. I'm sure it is so she could watch out for us all and prepare things for the big--Festivities when we meet again!

We all miss you Mrs. Christmas. You are a legacy of LOVE and a GREAT "MOTHER" AND "GRANDMOTHER." WE WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER

Her favorite Christmas Song: "LITTLE DRUMMER BOY"

1 comment:

Robert and Heather in Hawaii said...

I loved your post today. Aunt DeAnn truly was "Mrs. Christmas". I have to tell you one of my all time favorite Christmas memories. One year when Uncle Mac was the bishop, he and Aunt DeAnn asked me to be Santa for the Cleveland Town Christmas party so no one would know who Santa was. I didn't do a very good job, Santa's really aren't supposed to be 14, but on the way home Aunt DeAnn asked if I would do them a favor before they took me home. There was a family in the ward that needed some help for Christmas and ward members had put together a ton of presents and food and things. She asked if I would stay dressed up as Santa and deliver it, so they wouldn't have any idea who it was from. I thought it was a cool idea. I remember walking up to the house and knocking on the door. I had to knock several times and finally a young girl came to the door. It had a large glass window and when she saw who was at the door her mouth just dropped open!!! She couldn't even talk. The mom came and when she saw me she started screaming for joy. I gave them the gifts and went back to the car. That was one of the best experiences of my life and probably my fondest memory of Aunt DeAnn.