Monday, January 26, 2009

Mia and Me on Monday!

I get to watch Mia today! She is a pleasant addition to the day! Her Mom is stuck in Colorado trying to get a flight into Wichita. So today is like having a Grand baby around! Just watching Mickey Mouse and Handy Manny etc. Playing Barbies and Racing around the house in the big Fred Flinstone Car! It is like Kylie and Maddie hanging out with me! It will be a busy week for our R.S. and Branch and our focus is going to be two funerals for Lady's here. My heart goes out to the families of these ladies. It's hard to loose a Mother, Grandmother. Just brings back of the memories of our own losses which makes us even more compassionate and sad for the families.

1 comment:

Jill Walker said...

I love the pictures of your trip. I got to go with Scott to New Orleans a few years ago. While he was in meetings I drove around and saw some sights. My favorite was the Laura plantation. I'm so glad I got to see New Orleans. I wonder if I was there when you lived there. I could have come and visited you! I'm glad you had a nice time. I hope you are feeling better!