Saturday, February 21, 2009

Emergency Prep. Day

We are getting together in our Branch to do EMERGENCY sealing! February month was rice. March is pasta. This is the fun we had sealing food. It last's longer/it is air tight/ and moisture free. The idea is NO AIR, NO BUGS,FRESH FOOD! A large enough supply for a year or more... I was raised with the idea of STORING FOOD. JUST INCASE--LAYOFF, SHORT PAYDAY, CALAMITY. When I was younger. There was a trucker strike and limited food was delivered to the grocery store. I don't ever remember a time we didn't have our own little grocery pantry. So fun not to have to worry about running to the store on a last minute jaunt to get the basics. I'm excited for this year for team work and fun and accomplishing being prepared.


Britt's Clan said...

That is so AWESOME!! I wish I had a group doing that I sooo want to get a food storage but lack of time, space and money has stopped me. I remember Grandma's and I have always wanted one. Maybe if Scott gets my storage room shelved I can start on the food storage...

Ess said...

We look like we are having a good time! I cannot believe how much we did in so little time.