Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Just a Thought:

No pain that we suffer,
no trial that we experience is wasted.
It ministers to our education
to the development of such qualities as
Patience, Faith, Fortitude and Humility.
All that we suffer
all that we endure,
especially when we endure it patiently,
builds up our
Purifies our hearts,
Expands our souls,
and makes us
Tender and Charitable,
more worthy to be called
children of God...
and it is through
sorrow and suffering,
toil and tribulation,
that we gain the education
that we come here to
which makes us more like
Our Father and Mother
in Heaven
by : Orson F. Whitney
in Spencer W. Kimball book
Faith Proceeds the Miracle pg. 98

1 comment:

Lyle and Britt Whitaker said...

I love this!!! I am stealing it!! OH I never got to thank you for the gift card you gave us for the wedding. It went towards my WONDERFUL kitchen aide mixer!! hope all is well!!