Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Thankful Tuesday: For Good Friends, Laughter, Exercise & Prayers!

GOOD FRIENDS get you through the hard times! Thankful for my friend Nita. We can laugh! And when things seem GRIM for both of us. LAUGHTER seems to be the best medicine! For EXERCISE too! Because I can sweat off STRESS (and my workout friends help me solve the worlds problems). And For PRAYERS. I am so blessed to have people surround me that when I'm worried and concerned they concentrate their efforts in prayer. We all need that HIGHER POWER in our lives to comfort and bless us in time of sadness, worry, and illness and suffering. THANKS TO ALL. LIFE IS BETTER BECAUSE YOU ARE IN IT! XO


Lei said...

I hope your son Terrence fares well after his surgery. Thanks for the note re: Damian, er, Elder Parente.;) He IS a good kid isn't he? I am grateful for how hard he works and I am grateful he has your family! Please give him a hug for me; I missed writing to him in time for him to read it at the library yesterday!

Sandy, Sisters of Season said...

Stopping by just to say Hi! Love your new blog background, looks real pretty and cheerful! Have a good afternoon!