Tuesday, February 2, 2010


This is BITTER/SWEET because today we find out if the "ELDERS" are getting Transferred to a different area. It is Bitter because its hard to say good bye to boy's that are like SONS. They have heard the phrases from me, "YOU ARE GROUNDED"(which really means you are in BIG TROUBLE--not), "GRRRRRRRR", "THANK YOU FOR CLEANING UP YOUR MESS, "PICK UP", " REMEMBER TO LOCK THE DOOR", and they have also got the EVIL GLARE! DON'T FORGET me making a BIG BOX the size of the room with my hands and saying, DO NOT COME NEAR MY BOX" that's when I'm beyond GRUMPY! Oh and we can't forget when I threatened Elder Holley to tie him up in barb wire and drag him down a dirt road on my horse... (that was after I watched to many episodes of "CHEYENNE"!) Etc. We've had A LOT OF LAUGHS!
I appreciate their patience with me!
It is Sweet because you want them to move on and have more experiences in different areas.
Today at lunch Mr. Clark said, you haven't taught the Elders how to make bread... It's true. So today like scrunch time to send them away. We had a a "HOW TO MAKE BREAD" lesson!

1 comment:

Lynnelise said...


Cool!!! Baking Bread!!! I can almost smell the oven freshness!!

How awesome you were blessed with such an extended family! One thing I've discovered since becoming a member of God's family, is there are loved ones that come into our lives, and for what ever reason are removed from our lives. But we are all the better for having known them.